Probably no other plant is used as much for so little to be known about it as is the noble tobacco plant. While everyone is familiar with the smoking and chewing products derived from this plant, few people realize its many other uses. It has medicinal values, makes an extremely valuable ornamental plant and flower garden specimen and is used to make one of nature's finest biodegradable, all natural pesticides.We offer the following selections of Nicotiana:
TA02 JASMINE TOBACCO: Sweet scented alata.
A very sweet scented flowering tobacco with pure white trumpet shaped flowers 3-4" long and 1-1/2" wide. Very free flowering. Fall sown seedlings make great pot plants for growing during the winter. A beautiful addition to any flower garden. It is very popular in Brazil and is fast gaining popularity in the U.S. $2.20 per packTA04 MOUNTAIN TOBACCO: Attenuata.
A graceful and ornamental species with white inch long flowers flushed pink outside. It is a night blooming annual that grows to 4-5 ft. with pointed leaves. A very popular tobacco with the Navajo Indians. It is an all purpose plant. I recommend using it as an ornamental, filler and pesticide base.TA06 TREE TOBACCO: Glauca.
A graceful tree that grows to 20 ft. with bright trumpet- shaped yellow flowers and striking glaucous-blue foliage. From Argentina. It makes a wonderful tub plant. Can be grown outdoors in warm climates and makes a striking garden specimen. It is highly valued for its chewing, smoking and medicinal uses. It is said to have only trace nicotine. Hardy to 15 degrees. It will flower when very young. $2.20 per packTA08 CHILEAN TOBACCO: Langsdorffi.
A distinctive annual plant that hail from Chile and has odd green 1 1/2" nodding flowers. An interesting species that grows to about 4 ft. The flavor of this tobacco is slightly different than others, and it makes a good blending tobacco. $2.20 per packTA10 INDIAN TOBACCO: Rustica.
A half hardy annual that grows to about 3 ft. and is cultivated worldwide for smoking and nicotine production. Has many yellow flowers that remain open during the day. It is so potent that it has been used as an arrow poison in Mexico. Can be raised as far north as Maine. $2.20 per packTA12 ARGENTINA TOBACCO: Sylvestris.
A vigorous perennial growing to 5 ft. with large 20" basal leaves and sweet scented drooping white flowers. Try growing this tobacco for mixing purposes. Its slightly different flavor will blend well with cigarette tobaccos. A very attractive plant that should be planted in every flower garden.. $2.20 per packTA14 COMMON SMOKING TOBACCO: Tabacum Burley.
This is a standard Burley that is grown in several states. It produces a very good tobacco for cigarettes. Grows to 6 ft. with red flowers. One of the most widely grown cultivated tobaccos. Has limited disease resistance. $2.20 per packTA16 BURLEY TOBACCO: Tabacum burley var. compact.
A fine commercial strain that is used for its hardiness and smooth flavor. A must for cigarette making. This plant grows fast and is a high yield producer. I recommend leaving up to 14 leaves on this plant when pruning. $2.20 per packTA24 MADOLE TOBACCO: Tabacum madole.
A fine commercial variety that is fast growing and hardy. I recommend growing this one if you smoke cigars. $2.20 per packTA28 SMALL STALK BLACK MAMMOTH. Tabacum.
This is a deep dark tobacco that gives good weight and supports itself very well. This is a tobacco prized by specialty growers because it provides a great wrapper tobacco or a premium snuff tobacco when ripe. A good tobacco for beginners learning to roll their own cigars or for first time snuff makers. $2.20 per packTA30 TENNESSEE BURLEY #TN90. Tabacum.
This is a standard Tennessee Burley that produces good yield, high quality tobacco that is favored for cigarettes. This plant has multiple disease resistance. A vigorous plant that is easy to grow. $2.20 per packTA32 HAVANA #142. Tabacum.
An excellent Havana tobacco that produces a quick harvest in about 65 days. This is a good tobacco for both chewing and cigars. This is an especially good tobacco for the North and is easily raised as far North as Wisconsin. $2.20 per packTA34 HAVANA #608. Tabacum.
Said to be the best Havana for home use. Produces a quick crop in about 65 days, and is good for cigars or chewing. This plant gives a high yield and is also recommended for growing in the North. First time growers should definitely try this one! $2.20 per packTA36 ROSE TOBACCO. Nicotiana Tobacum.
A very beautiful and ornamental tobacco plant that produces loads of rosy, trumpet shaped flowers. This plant is a definite must for all flower gardens. The tobacco can be smoked or mix with other blends for a unique flavor.TA39 HAVANA 501
A large leaf type Havana well suited for chewing. Grows better than other varieties in poor soil. A large plant reaching 6-7 ft. with leaves spaced far apart. Seed Stock grown in Wisconsin. $2.20 per packTA41 HAVANA 503B
One of the most popular cigar varieties for home growers. Will grow 6-7 ft. tall. Cured leaves have a reddish to light brown color. Cured leaves have a silky texture like long rye that makes a good covering for cigars. Has a pleasant, mild aroma and taste much preferred for cigars. Also can be smoked in pipes or chewed. $2.20 per packTA202 VIRGINIA GOLD.
A very light gold leaf when curing, it makes an excellent smoking tobacco. Grows to 5 ft. tall with a heavy yield. $2.20 per packTA204 MIDEWIVAN SACRED TOBACCO
A native form of N. rustica that is used by Native American Indians in ceremonies and for smoking purposes. A rather strong tobacco compared to commercial types. A fast grower and decorative plant. $2.20 per packNow you can grow the same tobacco as the commercial farmers raise for the giant cigarette companies. Each variety below imparts it' own distinctive flavor for cigarette blends. COMMERCIAL HYBRID CIGARETTE TOBACCOS
TA42 KENTUCKY 8959 ( Hybrid )
Developed by the University of Kentucky and released in 1993. A commercial brand of burley tobacco grown by tobacco farmers for the cigarette and chewing tobacco industry. Has it's own unique flavor and traits. It is a high yielding variety with wide leaves. Resistant to tobacco etch virus and tobacco vein mottling. $2.20 per packTA44 NC 2 ( Hybrid )
A fine burley developed by North Carolina State University. A commercial brand of burley tobacco grown by tobacco farmers for the cigarette and chewing tobacco industry. Has it's own unique flavor and traits. $2.20 per packTA46 VA 509 ( Hybrid )
A large burley good for cigarette blends. Good disease resistance and heavy yielder. Adds it's own character to blend flavor. $2.20 per packTA51 NC BH129 ( Hybrid )
A high yielding burley with uniform growth and widely adaptable to many different areas. A good commercial strain. $2.20 per packTA52 KY 17 ( Hybrid )
Another good commercial burley blend with good disease resistance. Does not tolerate dry weather as well as other varieties, but this shouldn't be a problem in garden settings. Excellent flavor. $2.20 per packTA54 MS 21 X KY 14 ( Hybrid )
A widely grown commercial crop with high yields and good flavor for cigarettes and cigar filler. $2.20 per packNEW! PELLETED HYBRID SEEDS FOR EASY PLANTING! We now offer pelleted seeds of commercial cigarette blends for easy planting. Each seed is coated and bright color dyed for easy placement by hand.We offer the following seeds in pelleted form:
TA100 NC BH129 ( 50 Pelleted Seeds ) $3.75
TA102 TN97 BURLEY ( 50 Pelleted Seeds ) $3.75
TA104 KY8959 ( 50 Pelleted Seeds ) $3.75
TA106 KY17 ( 50 Pelleted Seeds ) $3.75
TA108 VA507 ( 50 Pelleted Seeds ) $3.75
TA110 NC 2 ( 50 Pelleted Seeds ) $3.75
TA112 MS21 X KY14 ( 50 Pelleted Seeds ) $3.75TA48 TOBACCO DUST.
This dust is ideal for making a great natural pesticide. Mix 1/8 oz. of tobacco dust with one tablespoon of black pepper and one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent. Simply apply as you would a chemical pesticide. This dust is also very effective sprinkled around the base of plants.
$2.00 per ounce
Want to raise your own tobacco products at home but don't know where to start? Don't have a clue to regulations, how to raise, harvest and cure tobacco? Then you should have the SBE HOME TOBACCO KIT. This kit has a handy guide that helps you understand how to plant, raise, harvest, cure and process your own tobacco products. Did you know you can make your own cigarettes for as little as $3.50 a carton including the filters and papers? Did you know that even if you live in the North you can raise a bumper tobacco crop? Make your own cigars or Snuff?, yes you can do it! Our guide comes with five packs of tobacco seeds ( Madole, Burley, Mountain, Indian, Rose ) for producing tobacco for Cigars, Cigarettes, Snuff, Chewing, Insecticides and Ornamental plants. Also included in the guide is an extensive mail order source list of firms that sell Cigars, Cigarette Tobacco and Tobacco related products by mail.
Order your Home Tobacco Kit today for only $12.95
Coming in November 1998!, a one hour video on Home Tobacco Production. It will guide the average gardener through the various steps of tobacco growing and production. The video is produced by Alan Daly.
Alan will show you by example how to sow seeds, care for plants, harvest mature plants and render into tobacco products. Alan even shows you how to roll your own cigar.
We intend to release only a few hundred of these videos in November, so if you would like to secure a copy of one, of pre-order the perfect Christmas gift for any smoker ( we will even drop ship them for you with your name and address on the package ), drop us a line at Home Tobacco Video for pre-order information and pricing.Earn a part time income selling our Home Tobacco Kits. Call 1-800-336-2064 or send E-mail message to for complete info and wholesale pricing or visit our wholesale price page.
Retailers, our kits can be provided with UPC codes and makes an excellent counter display item. Kits are sealed in poly so that they can't be tampered with and can be provided with pre-punched holes for display racks. Call 1-800-336-2064 or send E-mail message to for complete info and wholesale pricing.PLANTING AND RAISING
Raising tobacco is very easy. The seeds you received should be started inside in flats. In northern states, start the seeds 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Tobacco can be ready to harvest for curing about 60 days after transplanting, therefore it can be raised in almost any state. If raising more than one variety of tobacco, use separate flats. A mixture of peat humus and potting soil should be used. Potting soil only can be used if you select a high grade of commercial potting soil. Place the mixture into the flats, soak the soil with water and allow the excess water to drain off. The next day, sprinkle the tobacco seeds onto the surface of the damp soil. Do not cover the seeds as they need light for germination. Tobacco seeds are very tiny, so be careful to spread the seeds evenly. Keep the soil damp being careful not to wash the seeds around when you water. You will begin to notice sprouts in about two weeks. Transplant outside after all danger of frost is past.
If you have a moderate growing season and can start the seeds outside, try to sow the seeds where leaves or wood has been burned. The plants will thrive in these spots. Tobacco requires a lot of nitrogen and potash which is supplied by wood ashes. The ashes from charcoal grills are also beneficial. I recommend applying a good brand of garden fertilizer to the area where the plants will be grown. Working in rotted manure is very good for the plants. Never raise tobacco plants in the same spot in the garden for over a few years at a time as tobacco plants will totally deplete the nutrients in the soil.
You should space the tobacco plants about 2 ft. apart in rows 3 ft. apart when practical. The plants are large enough to transplant when the largest leaves are 2" or larger. Always transplant outside in late evening or when it is cloudy and overcast. Water plants thoroughly after transplanting and water daily each day until plants have become established. When growing in tubs, limit the number of plants grown. Tobacco plants need to be exposed to full sun while growing.
Tobacco roots grow quickly and often close to the surface. Be careful around plants when hoeing or cultivating around them. Try not to disturb the soil anymore than necessary. As the plant begins growing, remove all suckers as they will sap the plants growth.
Tobacco plants suffer from several diseases and are attacked by several leaf chewers. I recommend using sevin dust to control insects. Be cautious not to use any form of systemic insecticide that will penetrate the leaf. Remember, you may be chewing or smoking this plant and you do not want to be ingesting chemical residues. For a truly natural pesticide, purchase an ounce of tobacco dust from us and make your own supply by mixing one teaspoon tobacco dust, one teaspoon of black pepper and 1/2 teaspoon liquid soap to one gallon of water.