Eddie & Chief Grady Indian Creek Pow
Wow, Olive Hill, TN 1997
As you can tell from the pic it's late, getting on toward dark, the
creek was up from heavy rains earlier in the week, canoeing was at your
own risk, there was plenty of other exciting things to do, horse back riding,
fishing, swimming, a blow dart, archery and tomahawk throwing tournment,
and of course dancing.
If you love canoeing Indian Creek is full of thrills for those who
are brave at heart. I recommend the short 4 hr trip. At another time, in
a group of six, with 3 canoes, I personally tried the longer 8 hr trip
which turned into more of a survival adventure.
Me & BlackHawk's little brother Indian
Creek Pow Wow Olive Hill, TN 1997
Pow Wow's are lot's of fun and the Natives are very friendly, as you
can see I was welcomed with open arms. The food, music, entertainment
and warm friendly atmosphere was spritually uplifting.
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