Approx 150,000 people die each year from legal drugs.
NO one has ever died from smoking marijuanaAn Old Medicine for the New Age
"Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss
events, great minds discuss ideas." --Anon.
Cannabis has been used by many cultures throughout the ages for various purposes.
Hemp has been used for paper, rope, clothing, food, oil, fuel, sealant and medicine.
Hemp has been found to be very beneficial to mankind for it's overall usefulness.
One of the greatest uses this plant exhibits is it's wide range of medical benefits.
Marijuana is among one of the oldest medicines known to mankind, possibly one of the earliest plants to have been cultivated.
After thousands of years and millions upon millions of users.
This fact alone should put marijuana into the food category except for it's excellent use as a medicine.
Below is a list of diseases where the use of marijuana has been found to be very beneficial.
This list is supplied from information gathered from case studies conducted by research physicians from the Harvard Medical School
RxMarijuana: The forbidden medicine
Aids & Cancer
Alcohol Addiction
BiPolar disorders
Crohns disease
Chronic Pain
Heroin Addiction
Nicotine Addiction
Post Polio Syndrome
Sexual disorders
Spastic colon
Spastic Paraplegia
Spinal InjuryThe patients who volunteered information for this medical marijuana research project were daily long term marijuana users. The conventional medicines used to treat the symptoms of these diseases were often times not as effective and much more harmful than marijuana. Some of the negative side effects from the conventional drug treatments could actually be extremely harmful and disabling if not fatal.
As you look at the growing number of diseases that respond favorably to medical marijuana, it is without a doubt a very beneficial medicine.
According a public opinion poll conducted by
Time Warner, 91% favored legalization,
only 9% favored continued present prohibition laws.If you aren't already registered to vote, do it now.
More and more states are approving medical marijuana,
but if you aren't registered you can't vote
Register To Vote Now
We are part of the world around us, the further we
remove ourselves from nature the sicker we become.Herbal medicine has long been known to be a much gentler approach to healing than many of the conventional medicines that have been altered, concentrated, compounded and manufactured by the pharmaceutical industries of today. At one time all medicines were made from herbs. Herbs are natural medicines and are much easier for the body to absorb and use without all the negative side effects.
Alternative approaches to healing have long been ignored and often criticized by the medical profession. They were labeled as a hoax or in-effective, yet even today most all medicines that are manufactured, the main active ingredients are still derived from herbs. The genetically altered, concentrated, synthetic, compounded, equivalents of these herbal medicines are like any other synthetic your body would have difficulty absorbing. The negative side effects many times out weigh the benefits.
What is already known on this topic: Three quarters of British doctors surveyed in 1994 wanted cannabis available on prescription. Humans have cannabinoid receptors in the central and peripheral nervous system.
In animal testing cannabinoids are analgesic and reduce signs of neuropathic pain
Some evidence exists that cannabinoids may be analgesic in humans What this study adds No studies have been conducted on smoked cannabis
Cannabinoids give about the same level of pain relief as codeine in acute postoperative painThey depress the central nervous system
After more than 60 years of lies and propaganda herbal medicine and alternative healing are finally being recognized and accepted as a valid approach to healing and are once again taking their rightful place in the field of medicine.The drug companies are still battling to keep herbs off the market, not because of their dangers but because of their rivalry. They want the labeling altered, eliminating the information concerning the herbs usefulness. This is a means of keeping the average consumer in the dark and dependent upon the drug industry. This is their assurance that their more expensive drugs are the one's that are sold.
Since the days of alcohol prohibition the Republican party has long waged an all out war against marijuana and marijuana users. The pharmaceudital industry contributes vast sums of money to the Republican party so they can dictate drug laws. The Bush Administration is no exception with Bush's new appointed Drug Czar John Walters.
On Dec 4th the MPP Declares War on Drug Czar's Illegal Campaigning
Here's a recent News Flash from MPP(Marijuana Policy Project)This past summer and fall, Drug Czar John Walters illegally used
taxpayer money to campaign personally against our landmark initiative
in Nevada that would have ended the arrest of all marijuana users.Then, in mid-September, he unleashed an avalanche of TV ads in Nevada
and nationwide, the sole purpose of which is to scare the American
people into thinking that marijuana is among the gravest threats to
our national security.(If you have a TV, you have seen the drug czar's marijuana scare ads.
In one, a teenager accidentally shoots his friend while smoking
marijuana. Another ad depicts a car full of marijuana users
accidentally running over a little girl on a bicycle. And other ads
claim that buying drugs funds terrorism. For all of the drug czar's
ads, please see http://www.mediacampaign.org/mg/television.html .)As you know, Nevadans voted down our ballot initiative by a 39% to 61%
margin on November 5. It's true that we probably would have lost even
if the drug czar hadn't run his deceptive TV ads during the last seven
weeks of the campaign. But it's also true that if we continue to let
his ads go unanswered, we will not be able to win any definitive
legislative victories for many years to come.Would you please visit http://www.mpp.org/WarOnDrugCzar.html to fund
MPP's new, aggressive TV ad campaign?We cannot take on this battle without your help. Thank you in advance
for your financial support -- and your votes.Sincerely,
Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.
FOR PROFIT CORPORATE POWER THAT IS CONTROLLING THE GOVERNMENT RATHER THAN BEING CONTROLLED.Enron isn't the only corporation that has directly influenced legislation for their own personal profit. Drug companies are notorious for being one of the heavy weight hogs at the corporate welfare trough. Millions of tax dollars each year goes toward research and development. The last thing on earth the drug companies want to do is to admitt that marijuana is a beneficial medicine. Yet they have known for at least the past 3 decades that marijuana has medical value. They were able to legally manufacture and distribute Marinol because of the medical benefits found in THC.
ARE SOLD IN THE US AND 50% OF THE WORLD MARKET.It is is not within their best interest to legalize an herb that they can't profit off of, especially if the herb rivals one of their more expensive drugs.
The drug industry is not the only special interest group that wants to keep hemp and marijuana illegal. Who and what is really behind hemp and marijuana prohibition
mothers against mis-use and abuse
USA's War On Drugs (A Nation Ravaged by Civil War)
The War On Drugs has been the longest, most costly war this nation has every been engaged in. After all these years and billions upon billions of dollars, we are no closer to reducing drug abuse and mis-use in the US, Statistics clearly point out that the rate of drug abuse and mis-use has actually increased. A nation torn by civil war becomes a breeding ground for crime and violence. There are no winner's in this civil war only casualities.
War 101: America's War at Home
The Drug Reform Coordination Network
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Marijuana Policy Project
of Medical Marijuana