Tobacco Road
Did You Know?
* According to the Law, everyone in the continental US is allowed
to raise 1/10th of an acre of tobacco for their personal consumption.
That's enough to produce 100+  cartons of cigarettes.
*That tobacco plants can even be grown in containers.

Quit Tobacco With Mint Snuff Pouches!

Tobacco Policy

Your first cigar:   What you should know

Cut of Tobacco:How to press, cure and roll your own

Different Species:The different plant species and their nicotine content

 Rx Nicotine:New medical  research  has found, "Nicotine itself will improve
attention in Alzheimer's patients."

Click here to win a 2002 Jeep Wrangler!

If you're looking for an original and elegant gift, just take a look to the Neptune Cigar web site. They propose premium cigars packed in elegant humidor box including a lifetime humidifier and cigar cutter. Customer service is outstanding and U.S. shipping is FREE !

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