There was a time in this country when the only medicines available were those obtained from nature.
Native Americans were very knowledgeable of every plant and tree that grew in North America.
They believed that every plant that grew was sacred and had a purpose. Thousands of years of experience had taught them which plants were edible and which ones were good for medicine.
The villagers relied upon the knowledge of the Medicine Woman or Medicine Man for healing like we do the medical profession today. The Medicine Man or Woman was not only physicians, they filled many roles. They gathered or grew and prepared their own medicines, diagnosed and treated illness, and were counselors, teachers and spiritual leaders. Got Kids? Help them grow a green thumb at![]()
Native American Medicine
The early European settlers believed that if a person became ill, it was because he/she had somehow disobeyed God and this was Gods way of punishing them for their transgressions. It was even forbidden among many religious sects to attempt to heal the sick, this was considered interfering with the will of God. Science and medicine were thought of as evil. They had came out of a period called the Dark Ages when all knowledge was considered evil.Primitive European Folk Medicine byWarners Calendar of Medical History
As time went by more and more settlers came to this country from different lands, there were those who didn't necessarily believe the same way about medicine. They turned to the Native Americans to learn about the different plants and what they were good for. This was the beginning of our modern day drug companys. The PDR's of the 18th and 19th centuries were hand books listing all the plants in North America, illustrated drawings of what each plant looked like, which part of the plant to use, what it was good for, how to prepare the medicine and administer the dosage.
Find out what plants will work for you-ask The Floracle![]()
This knowledge was given to them by Native Americans.![]()
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