Native American
Among the Native American's 'medicine' meant to make whole. Mind body and spirit were all given equal importance. When a healing was performed it was done with great care, consisting of preperation of herbal remedies, ceremonial prayer, fasting, sweating and finally a carefully chosen and prepared food. The healing ceremony may take as long as several hours to complete, the healer took all the time that was necessary and ws never rushed through this process.The physical aspect of the ceremony was only a portion of the entire process. The spiritual aspect was of equal importance. The entire healing ceremony was carried out by the Medicine Man or Medicine Woman of the tribe. Only a person 40yrs of age or older, one who had the gift of healing and/or had studied since childhood was given the title and responsibility of being a Medicine healer. Some Medicine Men and Women were herbalists or psychologists while others were teachers or spiritual leaders and healers. Often times medicine men/women were equipped with many skills.
Every herb on the continent was considered a medicine for each possesed certain properties that were useful in some way, this point of view is not unlike our modern day research chemists. There were many different blends of herbs that were used for healing. To list them all would be too exhausting and would be equal to writing a PDR. The herbs most often used were bark, sap, roots, berries, minerals and herbs. They were smoked, eaten, made into a tea or used as a salve or a poultice.Medicines that were unfit to be of use for human consumption were used for other purposes, as salves for insect bites, cuts, softening leather hides, dyes for clothing, cleaning products etc. Many of the products we use today are modified, compounded, concentrated or synthisized versions of these original Medicines.
Medicine Women Were Skilled Physicians and Mid-Wives
When we think of doctors or Medicine healers most often we seem to associate this practice with men. This association stems from the unequal treatment of the sexes that existed within the European settlers. Among the Native Americans women were given equal status and importance in their role as healers, herbalists, teachers, counselors, advisors and spiritual leaders. Medicine Women
Herbal Remedy Relieves Hay Fever
LONDON (Reuters) - Hay fever sufferers seeking relief from sneezing and itchy eyes but without the drowsiness caused by some antihistamines should try butterbur, Swiss researchers said on Friday.The herbal extract is as effective as a leading antihistamine for hay fever but produces fewersedating side effects, according to Andreas Schapowal of the Allergy Clinic in Landquart, Switzerland.
"We believe butterbur should be considered for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever), particularly in cases where the sedative effects of antihistamines need to be avoided," he said in a study published in the British Medical Journal.
old medicine for the New Age